Expand your business opportunities with an affordable Irvine Virtual Office in the Irvine Financial District. You can setup a new business address with all necessary features for your business at a minimum cost. With IVO you can have a complete street business address with full-time mailing service with all necessary mail processing features, including mail receiving, physical mail storage, mail forwarding, unlimited mail scanning and 24/7 online mail access, secure mail shredding, a live full-time receptionist, virtual business phone and Fax2Email numbers and office time on demand, all without the high cost of maintaining a full time office.
Give Your Business the Professional Image it Deserves. Use a virtual business address to receive your mail and packages, register your company, and utilize for marketing purposes.
Each location will accept your mail and packages from USPS, FedEx, UPS and any other independent courier. If you are unable to pick-up your mail, you have the option to have it forwarded. Use the center to meet and engage with your clients in a professional setting. United Virtual Office can provide your business the right image and services without the cost and commitment of traditional office space.
From $55.00 per month
Can't pick-up your mail? Have your mail forwarded the mail address of your choice.
*Additional fee's may apply.
Need to meet with your clients in a professional setting? Ask about our hourly rates.